Premier - Local Chiropractor

  • Spine Injuries Surgery

    Spinal cord injuries can be caused by damage to the vertebrae, ligaments, discs, or the spinal cord itself. Traumatic spinal cord injuries typically occur as a result of a sudden and severe blow to the spine, which can lead to various forms of damage.

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    <p>&nbsp;<a href="">Neurosurgeon</a>, discusses what spinal conditions may be helped by surgery.</p>

     Neurosurgeon, discusses what spinal conditions may be helped by surgery.

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    <p>&nbsp;<a href="">Neurosurgeon</a>, discusses post spinal surgery recovery.</p>

     Neurosurgeon, discusses post spinal surgery recovery.

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    <p><a href="">&nbsp;MD </a>discusses lumbar spine MRI scans</p>

     MD discusses lumbar spine MRI scans

  • MRI scans for lumbar spine injuries and pain related conditions

    Injuries to the lumbar spine often involve ligamentous injuries and herniations of the discs. These injuries can occur in various sports as well as in everyday life. Sports such as racquet sports, lifting sports, and golfing, which involve twisting and carrying equipment, can commonly lead to lumbar spine herniations.


    When treating this condition, it is often beneficial to consult with a local massage therapist to address muscle tension, a personal trainer to improve muscle strength, and a physiotherapist for release and conditioning exercises.

    In diagnosing disc herniations and evaluating their impact on nerve roots, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is considered the best imaging modality. While disc herniations can also be seen with CT (Computed Tomography), the exact relationship to the nerve roots or spinal cord higher up in the spine cannot be determined as accurately as with an MRI.

    MRI provides greater detail and allows for a closer examination of the soft tissues. CT scans are useful for visualizing the bones and identifying potential spinal fractures, but they do not provide the same level of detail for soft tissues, particularly in the lower lumbar spine where artifacts can be more pronounced.

    One of the key advantages of MRI is its ability to visualize the anatomy in multiple planes. This allows surgeons to assess the degree of compression on nerve roots and make informed decisions about the need for surgical intervention versus conservative management for disc herniations.

    If you have any specific questions or concerns regarding lumbar spine MRI, it is recommended to consult your family doctor or an imaging center. They will be able to provide further guidance and address any queries you may have.

    The local Chiropractors are in good standing with the College of Chiropractic Association of Canada Keywords: What Causes Sciatic Pain of the Low Back,  Back Pain and Problems from Sitting, Common Cycling and Back Pain Injuries, Neck Pain, How Pilates Can Help With Back Pain, How Core Stability of the Ankle, Leg Length Discrepancy.

    The local Registered Massage Therapists are in good standing with the Canadian Massage Therapist Association of Canada

  • Post Spinal Surgery Recovery

    Neurosurgeons play a crucial role in the surgical treatment of back conditions, particularly those involving the spinal discs. However, the success of the surgery is not solely dependent on the surgical procedure itself but also on the post-operative care and rehabilitation process. Physiotherapy is an essential component of the recovery process after back surgery.

    Immediately after the surgery, patients often experience significant improvement in their symptoms. However, it is not uncommon to have some ongoing symptoms, such as mild incisional pain or nerve pain. These can usually be managed conservatively or with over-the-counter medications.

    Physiotherapy becomes particularly important around six weeks after surgery. At this stage, patients learn proper lifting techniques and are guided on avoiding prolonged sitting, as sitting can exacerbate lumbar pain. Physiotherapists provide stretching exercises and other therapeutic interventions to promote healing, restore mobility, and strengthen the back muscles.

    The role of physiotherapy extends beyond the immediate post-operative period. Patients are educated on the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and proper ergonomics at work to prevent further back pain episodes or recurrent disc herniations. Core strength exercises, guided by appropriate professionals, are often emphasized to provide stability and support to the spine.

    It is important to note that while disc surgery is generally successful, there is a small chance of encountering problems in the future. Recurrent disc herniation can occur, potentially necessitating further treatment, including surgery. However, with diligent adherence to physiotherapy, back care, and strengthening exercises, the risk of future problems can be minimized.

    In summary, the post-operative care of the back after surgery is vital for achieving both short-term and long-term success. Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in promoting healing, restoring function, and reducing the risk of future complications. Patients should follow the guidance of their neurosurgeon and physiotherapist to ensure optimal recovery and minimize the chances of recurrent back issues.The physiotherapists are in good standing with the Physiotherapy Association of Canada 

    Key Words: Achilles Tendon, Back & Sciatic Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Cortisone Injections,De Quervain's Tenosynovitis, Common Foot Issues, Ganglion Cyst,  Neck Pain & Sleep Problems


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